
Our Services

Individual Online and Experiential Assessments with Counseling

We offer comprehensive assessments from 6th grades onwards, including online modules, experientail workshops, structured counseling and detailed reports.These services can be offered at school,home or a our office.

Co-curricular School Activations

Our team can deploy daily or weekly co-curricular periods at schools,complementing the existing curriculum. Thus offering opportunity for self-discovery, developing ability to collaborate and grow as productive members of the community.

Aptitide based Projects and Interships

As part of our alter-school initiative, based on profile of each student, we offer Aptitude based projects and interships at campus to help groom leadership competencies within volunteers.We also offer opportunity to lead through change champion initiative.

Teacher Training Workshops

In order to improve classrooms, we offer interventions for academic and administrative staff based on a hybrid leadership framework focusing on basic (25 core behaviours) and advanced (360 behavours) modules.